Monday, March 3, 2014

Modern Print Monday: Eszter Haraszty

Eszter Haraszty, Tracy, 1952
Screen-printed Cotton

Eszter Haraszty (1920-1994)

Born in Hungary, Eszter Haraszty attended the University of Fine Arts in Budapest and worked in costume design before immigrating to New York in 1946. She was Knoll's director of textiles from 1949 to 1955 where she designed innovative prints for their up-scale furniture lines.

Triad, screen printed linen, 1955 
Collection of the Museum of Modern Art

Fibra Screen printed linen, 1953,
Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt.

See the holdings of the two museums by clicking on each:

The 1950s became the 1960s, and Haraszty moved to Southern California to garden. She became well-known for her stitchery, focusing on poppies.

Designing kits for Bucilla

and McCall's

They didn't call it Poppy Power for nothing...

Californians know poppies can be invasive.

Cathy likes the poppy look:


  1. These embroidered poppies are appealing, I have some remote remembrance of them.
    It is fun to see here how something nice can become quite disturbing... Trop, c'est trop !

  2. In the 60's I bought and made a Vogue pattern for a "Mexican" dress. It had an embroidery across the front of poppies that look very like the poppies you have pictured here. Hmmm....
